
Development of a high torque density and efficiency axial flux switched reluctance motor for electric vehicle

Author: Ismael Ruiz de Argandoña Arzallus
Thesis director Javier Poza, Mondragon Unibertsitatea

This research is focussed on the development of a high torque density and efficiency motor, suitable for cost-effective mass production.

Tribocorrosion of high-strength low-alloy steels and coatings used in offshore applications

Author: Ainara López Ortega
Thesis director Raquel Bayón, Tekniker y José Luís Arana, ETSI Bilbao

The present thesis deals with the assessment of tribocorrosion of HSLA steels used in chains of offshore mooring lines, which have been reported to be profoundly affected by both wear and corrosion during their service life. Additionally, the second part of the thesis is focused on the evaluation of protective coatings employed for the protection of steel components and structures from corrosion.

Prediction of Moulds Wear in High Pressure Die Casting and Plastic Injection Moulding

Author: Borja Zabala Igartua
Thesis director Franck Girot, UPV-EHU y Amaya Igartua, Tekniker

This doctoral thesis deals with wear mechanisms, setting protocols to simulate them at laboratory scale and studying the influence of different process parameters, in order to predict the wear of moulds.

Ultrashort-pulsed laser ablation of poly-L-lactide (PLLA) for cell and tisuee engineering applications

Author: Rocío Ortiz Márquez
Thesis director Iban Quintana, Tekniker y Jose Ramón Sarasua, UPV/EHU

Desarrollo de plataformas biosensoras electroquímicas para la detección de marcadores inflamatorios y de cáncer de mama

Author: Unai Eletxigerra Hernández
Thesis director Susana Campuzano, Reynaldo Villalonga, Universidad Complutense de Madrid y Jesús Martínez Perdiguero, UPV/EHU

En esta Tesis Doctoral se ha abordado el desarrollo de varias plataformas biosensoras electroanalíticas aplicables a la determinación de biomarcadores de inflamación y asociados a cáncer de mama.

Comportamiento tribológico de polímeros en condiciones de deslizamiento

Author: Beatriz Fernández Díaz
Thesis director Javier Jesús González, UPV/EHU

Esta Tesis Doctoral propone una nueva metodología de ensayo con la que se contribuirá a simplificar los métodos de selección de tratamientos alternativos al cromo electrolítico cuando deslizan contra polímeros. El caso de estudio sobre el que se ha trabajado es un elemento de sellado del sistema hidráulico presente en el tren de aterrizaje delantero del avión comercial Embraer ERJ 145, una aeronave de uso común en trayectos regionales de no más de 50 pasajeros.