Biolan Microbiosensores

Biolan Microbiosensores is a company that develops, manufactures and markets advanced technological solutions based on biosensors used to quantify molecules of interest at maximum levels of reliability and accuracy in different sectors, although mainly focused on the food business and the health sector.

The company is a technological benchmark in terms of analytical technologies based on biosensors. On the one hand, it is a leading organisation in the market of biosensors applied to the food business and offers fast, accurate and competitive solutions. On the other, the ultimate goal is to play an outstanding role in a number of areas related to biodetection such as health, by delivering efficient diagnostic solutions for pathologies as well as therapy monitoring systems.

This company is currently collaborating with Tekniker to develop integrated sensors that bring together different measuring principles and embedded electronics and will also support the entire product development process.

Mr. Asier Albizu General Manager at Biolan, is the company representative in the Governing Board.
